Total Image Consultants

That’s So You! by Ginger Burr

That’s So You!

That’s So You! - Ginger Burr's bookHave you ever gazed in the mirror and wondered, “What was I thinking?” When there’s always something that doesn’t seem right no matter what you wear, you’re left wondering if you don’t shop at the right stores, if your budget isn’t big enough or if you need the body of a model to look great. Often, you are lulled into dressing in clothes that cover your body but don’t lift your spirits. All that can change right now like it did for Michele:

“Just a quick note, Ginger, to tell you I received your book and LOVE it!!! It was waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. I got comfy on the couch and started reading and taking notes! Picked it up again this morning until I had to stop. It’s so hard to put down!! Can’t wait to start reading again and doing the “exercises.” Thank you so much!!”

That’s So You! helps you create new awareness around the psychological aspects of how you dress, understand how to create a signature wardrobe that includes both comfort and beauty, make peace with aging and learn to do it with flair and confidence, so you can loosen these strangleholds on your personal style and create a look that makes your heart sing.

You can benefit from my 30 years of experience for as low as $6 (on Amazon). I wrote this book to help guide you as you tame your closet, address real-life fashion questions, learn how to shop successfully and even help you age gracefully. Plus much more. Imagine how exciting it will feel to start creating a wardrobe and personal style that truly, down to your toes, expresses who you are.

Book Testimonials:

“I have to tell you that I read your book last night, or at least the first 80%.  In the middle of the book I got up 3 times to toss some clothes that I’m hanging on to for all of the wrong reasons (technically they fit but are beyond their expiration date or they were expensive but all wrong) and did the same with makeup. I have a much clearer idea of what I want my closet to look like, and I am going to continue to let things go. WOW!  Literally feels like I’ve lost weight!”
– Peggy McDonald

“LOVE it!!! I got comfy on the couch and started reading and taking notes! Picked it up again this morning until I had to stop. It’s so hard to put down!! Can’t wait to start reading again and doing the “exercises.” Thank you so much!!”
– Michele Ferguson

“Her advice is so ‘right on.’ A great read!”
– Dottie

“I laughed through the first 15 pages. Does Ginger know me somehow? I fit every description she lists! Now I am skipping to the chapter on aging and am sure I will again identify. (Then I’ll go back and read the rest.) It is comforting to know that many women out there are as insecure as I am!”
– Jackie

“Your book ‘That’s So You!’ has a wealth of knowledge in it. I have been re-reading parts of it, because it takes a few readings and applications of the material to really “get it”. I am beginning to understand what it takes to look and feel great. I have much more control and focus and rarely buy bloopers. Thank you!”
– Carol Takvorian

“It’s brilliant! I’m going to recommend it to all my friends.”
– Kate Terry

“If you ever “had nothing to wear,” couldn’t figure out what jewelry to add to your outfit or just breathed a deep sigh while standing at your closet this book is for you. With her characteristic beauty, style and grace, Ginger gently, sensibly and clearly explains the ins and outs of feeling good about your fashion, accessory, hair and make-up choices. This book has something for every woman, with topics including: choosing the right colors; vegan fashion and how to dress for work among many others. Ginger explains that when we express who we are on the inside with what we are wearing, we achieve a sense of peace. This book is fun to read and also serves as a great reference guide. It is chock full of useful advice delivered with understanding and compassion. A great gift for your women friends!”
– Leora T.