Create Your Personal Style – Private VIP Program
Get the fashion know-how, straightforward tips and personalized one-on-one time guidance to get your fashion, style & wardrobe questions answered once and for all!
Do you ever feel like it’s totally out of reach to have a wardrobe you love and be able to get dressed easily and with confidence…that no matter how hard you try or what changes you make you still feel overwhelmed, frustrated or confused?
You’re not alone!
Many women tell me that when they were younger getting dressed was simple. They could throw something on and go. Feeling frumpy or self-conscious was not an everyday occurrence like it is now.
If this is true for you, what has changed?
The fashion world caters to women who are young, thin and tall. If you aren’t all of those things then somehow the styles they are showing don’t translate in the same way anymore. Fabrics cling in different ways, the color palette is less flattering or you don’t feel comfortable exposing your midriff or going braless as the styles dictate.
How do you navigate this crazy world of fashion and feel like you can make choices that you enjoy wearing?
This Private VIP Program is designed for you if you want to get started right away (and not have to wait for my next 6-week class to begin) AND you want private one-on-one time with me to get feedback and support.
Here’s what Ellyn Torres says about her experience with this program:
“I am really pumped about what I am learning!”
This program is comprehensive and chock full of value with a special website dedicated purposefully to your personal style transformation. Only the women in this VIP program have access to this website.
Here’s what you can expect from the VIP Private ‘Create Your Personal Style’ Program:
- Recordings of all 6 classes on these topics (these will be sent to you one at a time in separate emails with homework and support materials for each class). These videos are yours to watch as often and for as long as you want and everything is housed in a lovely website so you can always find them easily. There is no time limit:
- Style Video #1: Uncovering Your Inner Beauty Style
If you always wonder what ‘your style’ is, I suspect you’re hiding in a wardrobe you don’t love because you don’t know how to recognize and reflect who you are through your clothing choices. Uncovering your inner beauty is one of the most important tools to help guide your choices and it will prove to be invaluable in helping you create a look you love. It is a foundation component in building your wardrobe and this concept will be woven throughout all the classes.Here’s what Stacey Williams says about her inner beauty: “I love the way my inner beauty words work. I didn’t really understand that in the beginning, but now that I really get it I see how important they are. When I am wearing things that reflect them I carry myself better and radiate more confidence. I want to pull that energy through everything and every occasion. Thank you!”
- Style Video #2: Identifying Your BEST Basics
Understanding what basics work for you and streamlining your approach will make getting dressed and shopping SO much easier. You’ll have a plan…a strategy based on a powerful foundation. Ginger will walk through how you establish YOUR best basics—because it varies for everyone. As you fine tune this practice, you will use this information to clear out your closet, refocus your shopping strategy and get dressed with ease.Finding her best basics was a game-changer for Stefanie J: “For the first time in my life I’ve got my basics wardrobe solidified, and now I’m having fun building on it.”
- Style Video #3: How to Add Visual Interest to Your Outfit
Let’s explore some key ways to add visual interest to an outfit so you don’t feel boring or blah in what you wear. Since we will address accessories in a later class, we’ll focus here on prints, in particular and touch on texture. If you find choosing a print mystifying or overwhelming and often come home empty handed, there’s a solution for that… Ginger will introduce the 5 ways to identify your best prints so you can feel more empowered the next time you shop.Wouldn’t it be nice to know exactly how to choose a print that looks amazing on you? Nancy Korn shares the difference it has made for her: “It was fun to use your ‘visual interest’ guidelines as a framework to review all of the patterns in my wardrobe. It suddenly became clear why there were some patterns that I loved and others that I hardly ever wore!”
- Style Video #4: Finding the Perfect Shoes to Complete Your Outfit
Shoes can make or break an outfit and with so many different pant styles and skirt lengths out there how do you know what to pair with what? Ginger will show you lots of examples of shoe before and afters so you can see the difference shoes can make in creating harmony in an outfit and so you can start creating your own shoe list (which ones to get rid of and what you need more of)!This was super valuable information for Janet Briand-Reinhard: “I did get a chance to play with my shoes and even got complimented at what a great outfit (where did I get those pants and earrings, etc.). So, I saw an immediate response to making the effort with the knowledge gained.”
- Style Video #5: How to Accessorize Like a Pro
Jewelry is an extremely versatile and valuable part of your wardrobe and knowing how to select pieces with confidence and wear your jewelry with joy will make getting dressed even more satisfying! How do you know what jewelry works with which outfits? The key factors in selecting jewelry is to complement an outfit and we’ll address how to do that with specific examples.Nina from California loves knowing the 3 R’s to choose the perfect jewelry makes when she gets dressed: “My self-esteem goes up a notch every day when I put on clothes and jewelry that are coordinated even when I spend the day at home. Your class was well worth it!”
- Style Video #6: Putting it All Together: From Separates to Outfits
Now that you have the tools you need to create outfits that make your heart sing, it’s time to pull it together and watch the magic happen. Ginger will walk you through how to take everything we’ve addressed from the previous five classes and create a variety of capsule wardrobes and even share EXACTLY how she makes a decision about what to purchase every time she shops for clothes.Pamela from Canada shares what a difference the classes has made for her: “I just had to tell you how thrilled I am with the way my wardrobe is evolving. Thanks to your advice, I’m able to put together more cohesive outfits. More importantly, I suddenly feel as though I have a working wardrobe instead of just a bunch of clothes that don’t play well together.”
- Style Video #1: Uncovering Your Inner Beauty Style
- Two private one-on-one sessions with Ginger. I strongly encourage you to watch at least two of the video lessons before scheduling your 1:1’s. That way you’ll begin to have an idea of what you’d like to focus on in more depth. In a separate email you will receive all the possible ways we can use your 1:1 time so you can decide what is most helpful to you.
- A private one-hour ‘Inner Beauty’ consultation where, I guide you using several exercises, to identify who you are at a deep level…at your essence. Each of us is unique and your Inner Beauty words will express that. Then we use this information to help you evaluate your wardrobe to determine what truly reflects who you are so you feel fully authentic when you wear it. (Please note that this can only be used for your Inner Beauty Word consultation and not general wardrobe consulting–it’s a bonus 1:1 if you choose to do it, but is not required if you prefer to do your inner beauty words on your own.) Here’s what Tammara Gardner from North Carolina says about this consultation: “Clarifying my inner beauty words was life-changing. I’ve started applying them everywhere from how I decorate my home to what car I’ve decided to buy next. Everything feels more authentic and satisfying when measured against the IBW litmus test!”
- A wide variety of checklists, style videos and specifically curated catalogues of ideas to accompany the various lessons. These are all available on the special website for this program so you can find everything easily. This includes my very popular 30-minute instructional makeup video where I walk you through all the techniques to get a beautiful, natural-looking makeup, a video about choosing your best handbag and my super in-depth video about how to create a capsule wardrobe with step-by-step instructions. (Other people have to pay extra for these, but as a VIP client you get them with this program.)
- Support with determining your best colors. You get two special options with this:
- 20-page COLOR e-book to help you begin to identify your most flattering colors (this includes a video about universally flattering colors as well as tricky colors you might want to avoid).
- $50 discount on a personalized color analysis which can be done in-person or virtually. Note: This is a limited time offer (but you’ll have a minimum of 3 months to use it—full details will be on the special website).
- Extra One–on-Ones with Ginger. Yes, you can do more than the two 1:1’s that come with your program. There’s a very special rate of $195 per 1:1 if you feel you need more. That option is available for a limited time (up to 1 year from the time you register for this program). We can cover whatever you’d like to in any of your 1:1’s. I provide a long list of all the options including looking at your existing wardrobe, diving more deeply into who you are (your inner beauty), online shopping suggestions, eyeglass shopping, etc. (After the year, you can still do 1:1 sessions either through the follow-up program (I’m happy to share those details) or at a slightly higher price).
- A complimentary space in the NEXT ‘Create Your Personal Style in 6 Weeks’ live class. This way you can reinforce what you’ve been learning and practicing and ask questions to be answered live in the classes. You will have the added benefit of already being familiar with the material so you can progress even faster and ask even more pointed questions as you develop your fabulous wardrobe AND gain valuable insights from the questions other participants ask. (Please note that this registration is not transferrable to a future class or to give to someone else). If you aren’t sure when it begins, please check with Ginger.
- A 14+ page list of resources for shopping. This is a list that has been compiled and added to over the past few years with suggestions on everything including: where to find jeans, tops and pants, styles/stores specifically suited to petite, tall and plus size women, comfortable shoe options, vegan clothing resources and much more. This is usually sent at the end of the 6-week live class and will be sent to you 3 weeks after you begin this program.
- Glossary of Important Style Terms.While most of the terminology I use in the videos is explained fully, it can be helpful to have it written down in one place (you’ll also find it in the Guidebook below once you get that at the end of the class).
- 50-page ‘Create Your Personal Style in 6 Weeks’ Guidebook. This is usually sent out a couple of weeks after the live classes. For you, it will be sent to you one month after you started this program. This guidebook is not created to be a replacement for the video classes but is meant to remind you of the tools, techniques and important information you’ve been learning. The guidebook will inspire you to review what you’ve been practicing and maybe even remind you of concepts you’ve forgotten about. And, it can be a great reminder to go back and watch some of the videos from your class again to get re-inspired or take your wardrobe to the next level.
This program can make a transformative difference in your experience getting dressed every day as it did for Lisa Adams: “I appreciate your class, and I appreciate YOU. This has been a total game changer for me and I have gotten a ton of compliments on the improvements to my looks from many people, including folks who don’t normally seem to notice these things!”
Create Your Personal Style – Private VIP Program Cost*:
I have purposefully dressed thoughtfully each day week and to my surprise it has had a whopping impact! I have been more positive, more ‘on’ in my networking meetings, and have had more energy. Usually by Thursday afternoon I am totally wiped. Not today. I wanted to let you know what an impact ‘dressing right’ has had on me this week. Rather amazing actually! — Gail from Massachusetts
What do you do now?
- Sign up above and get started NOW!
- Email me ([email protected]) and let me know you you’re in and ready to start and I will send you the payment link (let me know if you prefer 1-payment or 3-payments).*
- If you aren’t sure if it’s the right next step, set up a time for us to chat and we’ll figure out if this is a good fit. (There is no pressure to do anything…it’s a time for us to explore the possibilities.)
- Move on to explore the rest of my website to see what else might work well or better for you.
The most important thing is that, if you are seeking answers and support, that you do something to move yourself forward whether with me or something else. You deserve to look and feel amazing every day!
*Please note that once you register, there are no refunds.
Ready to transform your image? Take the first step and book a consultation call with Ginger.
Ginger, I had to let you know that I received so many compliments on my jacket today. I can’t remember ever getting this many compliments on anything I’ve worn before. I wore it with an ivory shell and a lighter muted blue pant with a necklace that has blue and peach in it. I felt like a million bucks!! Thank you so much! I worried about what to wear it with and then worried more about sweltering in it but amazingly I wasn’t hot. The temp was over 100 today so I can hardly believe it. I felt amazing!!