Since my birthday falls at the end of the September, it’s the PERFECT time to switch my wardrobe from summer to Fall. And, being a perfectionistic Virgo that’s often what I do on my actual birthday – it makes me very happy!
Each season as I switch my wardrobe I pay special attention to what stays and what goes. I figure there’s no use moving things around unless I’m actually going to wear them—especially since I have to lug them up and down stairs (with the help (haha) of my kitties).
So, how do I decide?
There are many things to consider, but I always begin with these 3 questions:
- Do I love it (or as Marie Kondo says, does it spark joy)?
- Does it still fit in a way that is comfortable?
- Is it still in good repair?
Notice I did not ask if I have worn it recently. Yes, I often do ask myself that, but the past 6 months have been so unusual that I do not recommend using that this year as a barometer for letting something go. If you can still answer YES to the three questions above then I recommend keeping it even if you haven’t worn it. If not, it goes.
Do this as you’re switching your closet or on a daily basis as you reach for something different to wear. It’s a great way to help keep your wardrobe manageable and wearable!