What clients have to say
What clients have to say
I have been planning my outfits for my vacation in Spain which starts Saturday and it has been a joy! That’s a first for me and I’m sure it’s due to everything you’ve helped me with in terms of building a wardrobe I love and am comfortable with.
I just got my Fashion Fit Formula results and your new ebook. This will help SO much. Oh my gosh, it’s like the missing link as far as altering things. I went through EVERYTHING in my closets and dumped years and years worth of stuff that had been sitting around not doing anybody any good. I generated two Hefty bags worth of stuff to get rid of. One is for a high-end consignment store and the other is for Goodwill. I had a ton of stuff from Coldwater Creek sample sales. Some of them are incredibly beautiful, but don’t work with my hair etc. There are going to be some happy small women in Sandpoint when they find this stuff at the consignment store. I tried on everything and isolated all the stuff that needs to be altered/fixed. It was so much fun! When I’m done, I’ll have a bunch of “new” clothes.
Wow! The Totally You workshop yesterday was an amazing experience, actually so amazing I’m having trouble finding the words to express it in a way that would do it justice! Thank you for your energy, insight, and kindness. Not only did I take away a lot of valuable input for myself, but to my surprise I actually feel that being part of a group enhanced the experience to a great extent. I am delighted with my new sense of direction for shopping and dressing, my collage and words, and, once I get all these outfits put away (ha, ha), examining my wardrobe in a new light. The ways is which it changed my thinking are enormous, and going out with friends last night was so much easier and fun than before and I felt that I got a very different reaction from others, in a positive way. Thank you!
Thank you for such a fabulous day at the Totally You workshop. I really enjoyed spending the day exploring more style options and meeting some great women. It is so eye opening to see how small adjustments can make such a big difference to an outfit. And I love how diplomatic you are while delivering news people might now want to hear. I so appreciate that when you are giving feedback, especially when it’s not what people want to hear, you are not doing it from you being right and the other wrong but from a genuine desire to have that person access the possibility for their inner self to shine. You say it with such compassion and caring and it’s such a gift to tell people what you see so that they can build the distinctions for themselves.
I am putting renewed effort into dating, specifically online dating. I feel I have great options now to wear for a date or meet over coffee. And for my dating profile I realized I should include some of my words from the Totally You workshop if I’m trying to convey who I am! So I have included “genuine” and “vibrant.” I’m anticipating the “captivating” word can go unsaid and will come across in my photos (more flattering thanks to my style and color improvements) and my words. You might consider encouraging other women to use their inner beauty words for their online dating profile!
You are a Fairy Godmother who makes all of us Cinderella’s look spectacular, whether it’s wearing designer, couture or just plain jeans!
A thousand thank you’s for your guidance! I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I have not stopped shopping since our outing! I have explored new colors (keeping my tones in mind) and have been trying to follow the fashion fit formula. The difference is astounding to me. Also, I feel more in control when shopping, and that makes it even more fun. Thanks again. You’re a lifesaver!
I have been planning my outfits for my vacation in Spain which starts Saturday and it has been a joy! That’s a first for me and I’m sure it’s due to everything you’ve helped me with in terms of building a wardrobe I love and am comfortable with.
Your lessons are still working on me every day: I saw a top I loved that had GREAT styling and was so true to my words…except it was in black. I ordered it anyway, thinking I could go for black since I loved the style and cut. In fact, it didn’t sing on me like it did on the model and after wearing far more flattering colors recently I found I couldn’t stand the morbid black! So back it went.
The biggest difference I see since taking the Totally You workshop is my consciousness while shopping. After recycling nearly half of my wardrobe before the workshop, I had a few items I had paid a lot for or had some sentimental attachment to which I thought I wanted to salvage. Ginger’s and the other group participants’ honest feedback helped me drop any assumptions I had about how good those clothes actually looked on me. As I endeavor to fill in gaps in my wardrobe, I know I will be saving money overall by buying only items I will make good use of that look great on me based on my evolved inner knowing. I am a master scavenger at thrift and consignment shops and still often shop in those places but with a new consciousness. No more impulsive, unconscious or bargains only based shopping for me which leads to wasted effort. Thanks so much, Ginger for assisting me with your diplomatic, practical, compassionate and expert feedback!
A couple of days before our Lord and Taylor trip, I went to Boomerang in Jamaica Plain. I walked in, zeroed in on my colors, took a bunch of stuff to the fitting rooms, and was astonished. Everything that fit me looked great. Even the things that didn’t fit me looked great color-wise (although of course I didn’t buy them). I shopped for a grand total of 45 minutes, spent $27, and got a whole bag of clothes including both work and weekend wear. But here’s the most amazing thing: as I was checking out, the sales clerk looked at my stuff and said, “This is a really nice color palette.” I was AMAZED. No one had ever said anything like that to me in my life. Shopping was easy, quick, non-wasteful, and I actually bought stuff that noticeably cohered. I am a true believer!
My Skype wardrobe consultation with Ginger was so fun and productive! I left our call with many complete outfits – tops, bottoms, shoes, jewelry and a handbag beautifully coordinated. Not only that, but the ideas Ginger shared will allow me to create many other wonderful outfits from what I have in my closet. As a member of Ginger’s “Dress to Impress – Yourself” program, I can also post follow-up questions at no additional charge on the private online member forum. The session was a great investment for me to feel fantastic and make the best impression professionally. Highly recommended!
As I weed out clothes from my closet I notice that most of what’s left are things I love, things I wear most often and things you helped me select. Surprise! Surprise! And, I should add…I usually get compliments on the items you helped me select. Today I have on the red jacket (looks like leather) from The Studio. Compliments galore!
I received my color palette Friday and the colors were beautiful, so rich and deep. I will be honest when I first saw them I was thinking there is no way I will find these deep colors in the store. I looked in my closet and only saw a few of the colors that you chose so I was feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of ever having a wardrobe I would love. I wasn’t sure how this was going to work, but I thought I’ve invested in this, let’s try it out. So I went to the mall just to see what I could find. I went in to Macys and they were having this huge clearance sale. I have to tell you, I do not like the massive types of sales with racks and racks of clothes. I will just bypass this because there is too much to look at. But I thought I will just go try this by only picking clothes in my new wow colors. It was so much easier to look at the racks and I was amazed how many tops I found in these colors. You also have to realize when I do shop I usually take in 10 things to try on and don’t like any of them. So this trip I found so many things to try on and when I did most of them were wonderful! The ones I didn’t care for were eliminated quickly by knowing that I did not love them. It was a very successful shopping experience but more than that my spirit was so high. Thank you so much for your time and the service that you offer, it has been amazing.
Thanks for the enlightening (inner beauty word) session yesterday. It was so helpful to think about who I am REALLY and how my clothing and style can reflect it!