The Wall Street Journal reported recently that when it comes to fashion “There are no more trends. Everything is in style.” ( Women wear what they want to wear, and I’m all for that! If you look around, it seems that every length of skirt is available as is every cut of pants. As the WSJ said “The trench coat has been ‘in’ for the past five years, and will be hot next year, too.” As it should be!
It has not always been this way. For those of you who remember the 1970’s, you know how liberating this new concept is. Back then, there was one skirt length – short!! Pants were low rise and bell bottom and good luck to anyone who wanted to wear (or looked better in) anything else. Or, how about the 1980’s when all you couldn’t find a pair of attractive flat shoes if your life depended on it. Thankfully, that has all changed. But, have we gone far enough in the choices we offer?
I can’t help but think that when they say that the concept of trends is dead (or something to that effect) that they might have jumped the gun just a bit. Ask women who were shopping this past season (or two) and found mostly yellow, gray and purple, short boxy jackets and very few skirts anywhere, and you know that the designers still have some influence.
I have a novel idea. Rather than dictating to women what the current fashions are, how about if the designers ask women what they want! For instance, just try to find a nice looking, scoop neck tank in a fabric that isn’t tissue paper thin to wear under a jacket. There are a few out there, but you have to hunt to find them. A designer could make a fortune just providing those in beautiful colors. And, yes, women wear jackets (especially the baby boomers), and we’d like something other than black and gray and maybe some elegant details, please. It doesn’t seem like too much to ask. It would also translate into more sales for the designers and retailers. I cannot tell you how many women told me this past year about how they wanted to buy more than they did (a coat, jacket, or suit, for example), but couldn’t find anything they liked. Is anyone listening?
6 Responses
Trends will never be entirely dead – we all like to follow someone else’s lead too much, esp. in areas of self-doubt. But we certainly have more freedom to dress as we please – esp. here in the NorthEast – and, like you, I say: Great!
And in regards to color – please shout that LOUDLY! JJill is an offender in this area – if you don’t like their taupe and washed out orange (or whatever) too bad – that’s all they offer. Even if I love their design, I skip them often for want of real choice.
I couldn’t agree more. I know I sound like a broken record when it comes to color but absolutely NOTHING can enhance your look faster than wearing a color that looks fabulous on you. I, too, get so frustrated when retailers show mostly washed out colors — so few people really sparkle in those!
And some of us don’t want to wear spike heels with pants all the time, so how about pant lengths that don’t drag on the ground when you wear flats?
Absolutely! I have been known to have two pairs of the same pants so I can wear different height heels. This is where tailors are critical.
Thats why I shop vintage, you can find anything
You’re right, Bri, and vintage is very hot right now.u00a0 Hope you’re enjoying uncovering those great finds!