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Nurturing Beauty Style Secrets Blog

Are You Putting Your Makeup On In The Dark?

I have been traveling a bit more lately than usual. One of my pet peeves is hotel bathroom mirrors! There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that these were designed by men who never have to put on makeup in the bathroom.

Invariably, I try getting super close up or several feet back to see if I can get the overhead lighting to be a bit more forgiving. I inevitably give up and go to the mirror over the desk in the bedroom or grab a hand mirror (if it’s daytime) and go to the window.

What’s up with that?

It should not be nearly so complicated to apply a little makeup! I hate leaving the room wondering if I look scary or not!

What I have noticed in talking with my clients is that so many women settle for the equivalent of hotel bathroom mirrors to put on their makeup every day. How they ever see what they are doing is beyond me.

Here’s the culprit: overhead lighting. No, no, no…it will cast shadows giving you dark circles and basically make it nearly impossible to see what you are doing – at least with any degree of confidence.

Overhead lighting is at best utilitarian. Sure, it lights the room but it doesn’t allow you to see your face clearly and without that ability you feel frustrated – or just tired after seeing all those light-enhanced dark circles.

Give yourself a break and a lovely gift. It doesn’t even have to be expensive. Who says you have to tear out all the existing lighting in your bathroom (although that would certainly be ideal) and start over. Nope…you can keep what’s there but just do your makeup elsewhere.

It’s a small investment. Try something like this Conair makeup mirror:

If you’ve been putting on your makeup in the dark you’ll be surprised by the difference when you have better light and can actually see what you are doing. You’ll apply your makeup faster and seemingly effortlessly compared to squinting and doing various facial acrobatics just to put on your makeup! Yay!

If you have a favorite makeup mirror, please share!


12 Responses

  1. I usually move between the bathroom, the bedroom and the front hall foyer when applying makeup. I always chalk it up to getting a little extra exercise while I get ready but really should invest in a makeup mirror. Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll be sure to check out the Conair (or ask for it as a birthday present LOL).

    1. You made me smile, Deb! I’ve done that same thing many times (especially when I’m traveling). Please let me know how you like the Conair if you get it — it looks so pretty that I want a new one!

  2. Oh I so need this!!! My bathroom lighting at home is not the best. I do have a terrific window in the room, but if I get ready to go somewhere at night – it’s a problem. nnI just got back from Chicago and the hotel I was at had horrible bathroom lighting. Not only was it fluorescent, it was straight down. GAH! Talk about looking scary!!! nnI wish I had room in my suitcase for a lighted travel mirror. I am a “carry on” traveler and usually I’m using every bit of space with no extra for a mirror. Oh well.

  3. Hi, Ginger: I have bought the Conair mirror and it is great. I have a vacation house in N. H. and I loved this mirror so much that I bought this mirror for each of my 4 bedrooms in N. H.

  4. Thank you Ginger for bringing up this topic! But who wants to travel with a mirror? We need to lobby the hotels to provide them (or better yet improve the lighting). Then we need to talk to hair salons. They may have light sufficient for the stylist, but I can never see what my color is until I get home. And now that you mention it, how awful are most clothing stores’ lighting? How can you see the proper colors of the clothes under florescent lights? We all need to mention this problem every chance we get if we are to see change! Thanks for bringing up the topic, and letting me vent.

    1. Oh, Denise, I am so with you on this one. I think that clothing stores (and don’t get me started on lingerie stores like Victoria’s Secret) would sell much more if they lit the dressing rooms in a way that flatters the woman trying the clothes on. What a concept, huh! And, what about restaurants that insist on having those spotlights shining on my head — yuck! In my next life I am coming back as a lighting expert. Until then, I agree, we should mention it when we can but I suspect many of these designs were created by men!

  5. Travelling with a mirror can be such a pain, and what happens if it breaks 7 yrs bad luck to look forward too

    1. Oh, dear…I definitely try not to think about things like that. I presume that travel mirrors are well protected and heavy-duty. But, if it worries you I’d just plan to make the best of the hotel mirrors or use natural light whenever possible 🙂

  6. The bathroom lighted makeup mirrors are an essential tool for anyone who wants to look good. They are the key to perfect skin. They can be used when doing your own facials to ensure that your skin is properly cared for, hence making a perfect base for make up application. They are wonderful for tweezing eyebrows as well.

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Ginger Burr is a fashion stylist and personal shopper serving clients worldwide from metro Boston.