I am not talking about choosing your clothes or deciding how to accessorize your outfit. In fact, those things will feel easier when you manage this one thing…
Your state of mind.
Maybe you think, “Who cares? I’m dressed and that’s that.” Or, maybe you dream of it being a more graceful experience?
The wonderful thing is that it can be more ease-ful by changing just one thing! And, with practice it can lead to more and more positive change.
I’m serious and I learned from the best (as you’ll see below).
Think about it…
What was your state of mind when you got dressed this morning? Were you in a flurry of activity trying to squeeze it in amidst the thousand other things you have to do? Was it an easy, satisfying experience? Or perhaps it was just one more frustrating thing as you were thinking, ‘let’s just get it done so I can get out of here’?
If you have read my book, That’s So You, then you know that I am fan of Louise Hay’s. She’s a remarkable woman who lives each day with joy and gratitude even when things aren’t going her way. She just turned 90 so you can be sure she is walking her talk.
I recently came across this wonderful article she wrote and I had to share it…especially in this season of gratitude (mixed with stress!!!). How often have you stared into your closet and thought, “What a mess! I have nothing to wear and I don’t feel good in anything here,” or some variation on that theme.
Your thoughts and mind are powerful beyond imagination. Here is a gentle reminder from the Queen of manifesting what you want. See what nuggets you can pick up that will change your morning and your life (hey, even your wardrobe!). I have seen this change my own experience as well as that of my clients…over and over! You can experience this, too.
The Best Mornings Begin with Gratitude
by Louise Hay
The most important time during your day is the very moment you wake up. That moment when your conscious thoughts start pouring in and you start mentally planning or thinking about your day. Many times we’ll let the stress of what we have to do cloud our minds. The thoughts we have in the very beginning of our day set the tone for the rest of the day. Have you ever started your morning thinking you have so much to do and you’ll never get it done? Or do you feel rushed and everything is just going wrong?
My question to you next is ‘what were you thinking when you woke up?’ Were you thinking about how much you dislike your job? Were you angry with someone? When we wake up with negative thoughts, we attract those types of situations in our lives. Every morning when I wake up, I thank my bed for another great night of sleep. I begin to show gratitude for the smallest things in my home. I thank my body and health for letting me enjoy another beautiful sunrise.
Showing gratitude can set a positive tone for your day. I promise you, your day will start off much more pleasant. While you do your morning tasks – brushing your teeth, taking a shower, getting dressed, checking your email, etc. – begin to take notice of the thoughts flowing through your mind. Are they positive? Are you appreciating the small things in your life? Begin to be aware of this, and if these thoughts are negative, restate them it in a positive way. For example, I have nothing to wear and all my clothes are not stylish can be I love my closet. It is so easy for me to get dressed. It is as simple as that.
Let’s start with paying attention to how you leave the house. What do you think or say as you open the door to go out? What do you say when you close it? What do you say when you’re walking to your car? Are you approaching your day with excitement and enthusiasm or worry and stress? Most of us will start thinking about whether we put everything away and if we turned everything off. Then as we get into the car we think about all the things we have to do and the traffic that we will have to sit in to get to work. Any time a negative thought comes to mind, say out loud a positive affirmation until you feel at ease.
Here is a list of morning affirmations you can start implementing at the beginning of your day:
I know this will be a beautiful drive to the office.
My drive goes smoothly, and more quickly than I expect.
I love this day.
Life loves me.
I love it when the sun shines.
It is a wonderful day to feel the love in my heart.
Everything I do brings me joy.
Remember, the morning isn’t the only time for affirmations. Periodically throughout the day, take 30 seconds to relax your shoulders and close your eyes. Take a deep inhale in through your nose and slowly exhale out your mouth. Bring awareness back to your thoughts and ask yourself: How can I make myself happy in this moment?
Your life is precious, dears ones. I hope you enjoy every moment of it because you deserve it.
Let’s affirm: Life loves me, and I love life. I now choose to take in life fully and freely.
P.S. You can learn more about Louise Hay HERE.
If this is all new to you and you need a little help, these cards by Louise Hay can inspire you: https://smile.amazon.com/Power-Thought-Cards-Card-Deck/dp/1561706124/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1480342185&sr=8-5&keywords=louise+hay
*If the above link does not work, paste this URL into your browser: http://links.hayhouse.mkt5657.com/servlet/MailView?ms=NTI3NzQyNDMS1&r=NTQzMzg2MDg5NzYS1&j=MTA0NTM5MDk5NAS2&mt=1&rt=0