Total Image Consultants

Nurturing Beauty Style Secrets Blog

How to Choose the Right Shoes to Make Your Legs Look Longer

You purchase an outfit at the store, get home and put it on. All is going well until you add shoes. You stare at the mirror wondering why suddenly the outfit doesn’t work. You try standing differently. You even try a different pair of shoes or adjust your posture. It doesn’t help. Finally, with great dismay you take off the garment and stick it back in the bag to return to the store.

What went wrong? How can something as seemingly insignificant as shoes affect the entire look of an outfit? You’ve browsed through fashion websites, online catalogues and scrutinized celebrities’ outfits. It looks easy, but somehow the results don’t translate to your body. Why not?

Often, what you see online has been digitally altered or a model could naturally be super tall with slim legs that go on forever. She can pull off nearly anything. But, that’s not me and in all likelihood that’s not you either. In order to create a balanced look, we need to be very selective in our shoe choices.

Shoes are the accessory with the biggest impact on the final look of an outfit. This is something I struggled with for years and something to which I have to pay very close attention every time I get dressed if I want to feel good in what I’m wearing.

This is exactly why I made this video!

If you wonder what shoes to wear with skirts, dresses, capris or skinny pants, this video will answer that question once and for all:


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Ginger Burr is a fashion stylist and personal shopper serving clients worldwide from metro Boston.