Building Your Wardrobe
Choosing Your Best Handbag
Versatile tips, over 100 examples and a handy checklist for selecting a handbag that makes your heart sing every time you use it!
It is SO easy to overlook the feeling or impact of your handbag until it’s too late and you’re rushing out the door. As you reach for your handbag, you know it holds all your stuff, but you realize it’s more functional than beautiful and you wonder if you can have both.
In a matter of seconds, a handbag can harmonize with or enhance an outfit or detract from. Handbags tend to be an afterthought so it’s so easy to forget that it’s part of your personal style. There always seems to be something more pressing to tend to and your desire to find a handbag that adds beauty and joy to your daily routine or special events is pushed to the back burner.
But that can change now with a little guidance and inspiration. As Diana Goldman says, “I purchased a hand-bag based on your video recommendation. It is much shorter than I usually buy and that’s the right spot for me! Who knew? You did!”
The good news is that, you don’t have to have a different handbag for every outfit…thank goodness! But having a handbag you appreciate and enjoy adds a lovely finishing touch to your outfit.
I don’t know about you, but I own quite a few handbags.
If I’m honest…I only use one or two most of the year. Knowing this about myself, I’ve had to restrain myself from adding to my collection knowing there’s a good chance they’ll just sit on the shelf.
But I do want to enjoy the two I use all the time and I suspect the same is true for you.
Whether you’re like me and have a couple of favorites or you enjoy changing your handbag regularly or you need a handbag for a special event, the strategy is the same:
Choose a handbag that combines function and beauty so
It makes you smile when you use it!
The key is knowing HOW to choose a bag.
What are the key elements in selecting your perfect handbags?
- Function
- Size
- Versatility
- Color
- Feels authentically you!
With some tips, guidance and inspiration, these 5 steps (which I explore in great detail in this program) can lead you to find a handbag (or two or three…) you love. And, you can use this information no matter what the occasion, where you like to shop or what your preferred price point.
This class is for you if:
- You use your handbag daily and keep it a long time and want a bag that truly enhances your style rather than being simply functional (yes, you can have both!).
- You’ve tried different handbags but it often seems that something is not quite right. You feel like you’re missing important information in choosing a handbag you love and could use some guidance.
- You own a lot of handbags but don’t use them all and want to refine your collection to those that are the best and most versatile and delight you to carry!
- You always carry a black (or tan) handbag and you are wondering if there are other color options that would work.
- Your handbag has seen better days and it’s time to get a new one, but you aren’t sure what to choose or where to look.
In this special program you will receive:
- A 37-minute in-depth video that includes MANY examples as we fully explore how to choose a handbag that works for you. These are tools you can apply whether you prefer to carry a tote, shoulder bag, clutch or any other style or for any occasion.
- A beautiful specially curated catalogue of over 100 examples of 10 different styles of handbags with full explanations about who they work best for and at a variety of price points.
- A handy checklist to help you remember what guidelines to consider as you choose a handbag.
Whether you use one bag exclusively or you change it daily, it doesn’t matter. This class will help you choose a handbag (one…or as many as you want!) that makes your heart sing every time you use it.
Choose Your BEST Handbag
Please note that there is a no refund policy. You are responsible for the payment whether or not you watch the videos.
I’m Ginger Burr with a passion for empowering women to feel amazing about how they look! After more than 30 years of working with women and experiencing my own transformation prior to that (read more about this on my website (with pictures!), I’m well-acquainted both with the frustration that accompanies having a wardrobe you don’t love and the delight that comes with recognizing and embracing your own personal style.
If every morning you think, “I hope people will forget what I’m wearing,” it’s time for a change. In the beginning I couldn’t do it alone and you do not have to either. As one client said to me, “I’m tired of expending mental energy trying to figure out what to wear. It’s exhausting.” I can help you redirect that energy to create a wardrobe that makes your heart sing.
It’s a different journey for each person. That’s why I have many ways of supporting you from my book, ‘That’s So You! Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style & Grace’ to my signature live online class, ‘Create Your Personal Style in 6 Weeks’ to diving deeply into specific topics in this comprehensive self-paced classes. In each case, the basic elements are the same and you learn to dress with confidence without shedding pounds, sacrificing comfort or compromising who you are.
(Do you have a friend who you think would love this class (or any of the others)? Why not give her a gift certificate (in whatever amount you want) and let her choose her favorite. Go here to learn more about giving a gift certificate: