I have a new favorite book I want to share with you. It’s called “Creating a Charmed Life” by Victoria Moran.
I met Victoria this past spring when we both spoke at the Vibrant Life Expo in Newburyport, Massachusetts. Unfortunately, I missed hearing her speak but I did have a chance to peek at (and later read) her books (she’s a prolific writer) and talk with her briefly – and we’ve kept the conversation going since then.
The idea of creating a charmed life is compelling. I mean, who wouldn’t want a life like that? As I have gotten older (and dare I say wiser (at least when it comes to recognizing what makes my heart sing)), I have been all about simplifying, incorporating more and more beauty into my life, and creating as much peace and joy as I can. I admit it takes commitment and persistence (and regular reminders), but the rewards are great.
So much of Victoria’s book rings true, and the concepts are similar to those I address with my clients when it comes to their wardrobes and personal style. The truth is that we get dressed every day (sometimes more than once), so why not have that experience be mindful, joyful, and beautiful…at least most of the time!
I want to share a short passage from the section entitled “Install Necessary Upgrade” –
“You can upgrade every aspect of your life without a lot of money and with no more time than you’re spending now. Essential elements of upgraded living include these: Unique is usually better than commonplace. Handmade is usually better than mass-produced. Beautiful is usually better than ugly and always better than neutral. Engaging beats dull, hands down. You can start your upgrade process with the simplest of discernments, choosing something that’s just a bit delightful over something that isn’t.” Yes!
If you read my article from last week “My Fashion Dilemma: the dress or the skirt” you know that these are concepts I recommend and do my best to adhere to because I know it always pays off!
Wouldn’t you like to know more about how to age exquisitely, grow through the hard times, redefine “lady,” and razzle-dazzle on occasion? These are just a hint of the wise, useful, and heartfelt wisdom Victoria imparts in “Creating a Charmed Life.” As the subtitle says…these are “sensible, spiritual secrets every busy woman should know,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Give yourself a $10 gift that can have a million dollar impact on your life: Creating a Charmed Life: Sensible, Spiritual Secrets Every Busy Woman Should Know
Want to learn more about Victoria Moran. You can find her here:
VERY SPECIAL OFFER: I will be a guest speaker on Victoria’s teleclass on Tuesday, August 24 at 8:30-10:00 pm (eastern). The class “Come Into Your Own in 2010” is a year-long class that started earlier this year. She has, however, graciously offered to have any of my readers join us at no cost. Simply call 760-569-9000; access code 851309# where Victoria and I will be talking about all things fashion related including (possibly): what are the biggest mistakes women make; why is clothing important; what about people who think it’s not important; why vegan; can you be vegan and still fashionable; what about grooming and skin care; what are you favorite product lines…you get the idea!
Want to learn more about how to “upgrade” your wardrobe and personal style? Check out my upcoming Fashion Fairy Godmother program (www.fashionfairygodmotherprogram.com) or fill out my “I Need Help” form (https://totalimageconsultants.com/booking) and start the upgrade journey right away!
2 Responses
I would love to hear a replay of Victoria’s teleclass, is there a link? Thanks!
Victoria is sending me an mp3 next week to share to my readers. If you are on my mailing list you will be sure to get it. The class was great fun! You can subscribe to my nurturing beauty mailing list here: https://totalimageconsultants.com/subscribe.shtml Let me know if you have any questions — [email protected]