Explore the BEST of both worlds by integrating comfort and your authentic style!
Not long ago The New Yorker featured an article entitled, “The Slob-Chic Style of the Coronavirus Pandemic: What to wear when there’s nobody to dress up for except your cat—and Zoom.”
We all laugh when we read that, but we are also keenly aware of the truth in it.
There is no denying that our wardrobe needs have changed as a result of the pandemic. While comfort certainly ruled before, it’s now sometimes the only determining factor in what we buy.
When the world is in upheaval we want to feel comforted and protected.
What I’m hearing from women lately is that they still want comfort for sure, but they also want to feel more pulled-together, vibrant and with a bit more pizzazz.
If you need some inspiration, that’s what you’ll get here as Barbara from Massachusetts shares, “I’m inspired to look through my closet with ‘new eyes’ and expand my casual look on Zoom calls. Thanks again for all you do!”
Can you relate?
Do you fully embrace being comfortable in your clothes but sometimes feel blah and wonder…
- What does pulled-together look like when you really want to be comfortable in everything you wear. Can comfort and style co-exist whether you’re meeting people in person, on Zoom calls or simply running errands?
- How do you walk that line between feeling cozy and comfortable in what you put on and also liking how you look when you catch a peek of yourself in the mirror?
- Can you have it both ways? Do you have to sacrifice personal style for comfort?
If this is something you’ve been grappling with then get ready to feel inspired with this very special seminar: “How to Look & Feel Comfy, Casual & Confident!”
In this 1-hour seminar you will learn:
- The 5 Reasons you are stuck in a wardrobe rut.
- 3 Powerful Steps to help you make beautiful (casual and comfy) choices you’ll love wearing (with before and after examples).
- A common popular style that can keep you from feeling great in what you wear.
- Fresh ideas for how to add pizzazz to your wardrobe and the stores where I found them.
- The biggest online shopping pitfall and how to avoid it.
If you are tired of feeling out of sorts when you get dressed but don’t know how to do something different without having to settle for clothing that has you counting the minutes until you can take it off, then watch this video for fresh inspiration and valuable styling tips.
Here’s what Jackie Zukerman says about the program, “I really enjoyed knowing the comfy looks to avoid because there are styles that might look appealing on one body type but not ALL! Can’t wait for the next Ginger class!”
The video link will be sent to you as soon as you purchase it and I recommend watching it more than once to catch everything and take notes.
Please note that there is a no refund policy. You are responsible for the payment whether or not you watch the video.
You’ll leave with fresh ideas…
…so you can practice – apply one new thing at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed. Then watch as you feel more excited and confident each time you get dressed!
Ginger Burr believes that your image represents the best of you, not some ideal that makes designers happy. As an expert personal image consultant working with women from all walks of life, she has crafted a remarkable process of nurturing your inner beauty and discovering your personal style. Whether it’s the “dynasty” shoulder pad era, the never-ending confusion of business casual, or the low-rise pant controversy, she has helped women navigate through (and sometimes completely ignore!) the styles of the season and feel good about how they look.
Ginger is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and is a notable speaker and leader in the field of fashion and style and her adroit understanding of beauty trends and fashion has been celebrated by Fox TV News, The Boston Globe, and CNN.com. In addition, Ginger the author of That’s So You! Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace!
Ginger has distinguished herself in several untapped niches, including her image work with the transgender community and was recently recognized by VegNews Magazine as one of the “25 Most Fascinating Vegetarians” in the world for her innovative and groundbreaking work as a vegan image consultant. Her work has reached women from all walks of life who long to connect with their inner essence to create a wardrobe they love. Welcome!
(Do you have a friend who you think would love this class (or any of the others)? Why not give her a gift certificate (in whatever amount you want) and let her choose her favorite. Go here to learn more about giving a gift certificate: https://totalimageconsultants.com/gift-certificates/)