Total Image Consultants

Nurturing Beauty Style Secrets Blog

How to Shop at Marshall’s

Off-price stores are a great way to add beautiful designs to your wardrobe without breaking the bank. They sell high quality goods at less expensive prices. This sounds good, but because the stores are often large, if you have an aversion to shopping, they can feel incredibly overwhelming when you first walk in and begin perusing the options. Of course, for those women who find shopping relaxing, they are a great place to enjoy the treasure hunt or a fun place to pass 20 minutes between appointments.

For other women…well, not so much! They break out in a sweat and would rather spend those 20 minutes in the dentist’s chair.

Sound familiar?

Racks and racks of clothes make you dizzy and too many times you have purchased things because the prices are alluring, but they just sit in your closet taking up space. Your track record is dismal, but you want to enjoy the savings, too!

The truth is that off-price stores are everywhere (think Nordstrom Rack, Marshall’s, TJMaxx and DSW, to name a few) and many women shop at one on a regular basis. This doesn’t mean they all have great results (maybe you can relate)…not by a long shot.

How do you improve your track record when shopping at an off-price store?

  • How do you navigate the store successfully?
  • Where do you start when you first enter the store?
  • What mindset is required?
  • When is the best time to shop at one of these stores?
  • How do you know when to give up?

If your past results at an off-price store have been less than satisfactory, watch this video and then try again. Make a list of what you need to remember when you walk into the store. Otherwise, you know you’ll forget as your eyes glaze over from the sea of clothes and accessories in front of you. Practice and see how you do. This will help you determine if off-price shopping is a good option for you or you need a smaller setting or personal guidance.

Here’s an idea of what you can find at some of the most popular off-price stores:

$14.99 Reg. $28

$69.99 Reg. $160

$49.97 Reg. $128

See many more of my favorite off-price spring fashions here:

Since the stores are full of spring and summer goodies right now, the timing is perfect. Watch the video, grab your list and have fun shopping!

Please note: All garments pictured here (and in the catalogue) are vegan-friendly (made from fabrics that did not harm any animals).

Some of the affiliate links may generate commissions for Total Image Consultants which helps support the time spent creating these very specific recommendations.


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Ginger Burr is a fashion stylist and personal shopper serving clients worldwide from metro Boston.