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Jewelry…Out of Sight, Out of Mind

When I work with a client in her closet invariably the discussion turns to jewelry. Does she have some? Like it? Not like it? Wear it? What kind…fine jewelry? Costume? Bridge? You get the idea.

Finally, I ask to see it. Can I tell you how many times that turns out to be a huge ordeal! At least 75% of the time her jewelry is either in a drawer in boxes, scattered in a jewelry box or in another room (in boxes, drawers or bags)!

Then, of course, I ask if she wears it. The answer is almost always…not really.

I can tell you right now that if your jewelry is strewn somewhere or neatly (or not so neatly) tucked away in boxes two things are generally true:

  • It’s too much trouble to get to it to wear it.
  • You probably have things you’ve forgotten about.

Thirdly, you might not love it enough to keep it handy so you can wear it. All of this could be remedied if you can create a way to display your jewelry. Several things will happen:

  • You feel renewed excitement at the idea of wearing it.
  • You will be able to find it easily – which is more likely to translate into you wearing it more, too.
  • You will become acutely aware of what you no longer like or what doesn’t go with anything or is out of style which makes it much easier to purge.

The question then becomes, how do you display it?

Well, as you know, I spend time in lots of closets and have come across a number of women who have devised clever ways of organizing and storing their jewelry so it’s readily visible.

They are delighted to share their ideas with you:

Annie loves to take unusual containers and turn them into jewelry holders. Simply go to Bed Bath & Beyond and pick up a silverware tray and, voila, you can store your jewelry just like she does.

Amy took one shelf of in her closet to display her necklaces by attaching hooks. It was easy to see what she has and coordinate it with her clothes.

Claudyne lives in a fabulous old house that has a bit pole running through her walk-in closet. She attached plastic hooks and hangs all of her necklaces there. You can easily see what she has so getting dressed and accessorized is simple.

I also recently found this fun jewelry organizer on-line: I haven’t tried it but it looks promising. If anyone tries it I would love to hear what you think.

Lastly, I have a fabulous cabinet that doubles as a full-length mirror that I keep in my bedroom filled with all my jewels! It comes in several wood finishes, and the price has dropped since I got it so now’s your chance.

It doesn’t matter how you store your jewelry as long as you can see it and get to it easily. Like most other things when it’s out of sight it’s out of mind. Let me know what works for you!


13 Responses

  1. Many good ideas in here. The one point left out – what happens if/when you travel (a lot, in some cases)? Your beautifully displayed jewelry, even if kept in drawers and cabinets, is much more vulnerable to theft in your absence. because it’s easier for evil-doers to locate. (Sadly, break-ins do occur.) nnAnd the next post I’d like to see is how to choose and pack selected kewelry for travel!

    1. Traveling with jewelry is tricky, as you noted, Hollis.u00a0 I have learned to pack mine in my carry on (I take lots of jewelry with me almost always!).u00a0 And, great idea for an upcoming article.u00a0 Thanks!

    2. If I read your comment right, you’re talking aboutu00a0items left behind at home being stolen while you are on the road. u00a0Sadly, once your home has been invaded, those looking to steal things will have plenty of time to go through everything and pick what they want, even if it’s all twisted up in a drawer somewhere. u00a0You could try a small home safe for valuables. u00a0It would deter those looking for a quick grab and go type thing. u00a0If you have something truly irreplaceable, a bank safe deposit box would be the best way to keep it from being taken while you’re away. u00a0

      1. Thank you, Teresa. Good points! I am starting to conclude that my (neatly organized) bundle of baubles is a reflection of years of prosperity (permitting me to shop), the availability of affordable clothing and accessories (through advancing manufacturing and design technology), and an acquisitive nature shared by so many in our society. Bottom line:u00a0I have TOO MUCH STUFF, acquired over many years, and the neatness of display only brings that into sharper focus.nnThis thread actually motivated me to go through my acccessories (like a tsunami!), cull out the ones I am least likely to wear, and make some major donations to Bottomless Closet, which helps prepare disadvantaged women who want to return to the workforce. I, myself, am”none the worse for wear”, and… big bonus… having less stuff hanging around in my “vecinity” makes it much easier for me to zero in on my best looks. It’s the magic of “less is more”.u00a0 And I love thinking about the women who will be on the receiving end, with new accessories to sparkle when they land that new job!

  2. I love the mirror! I just use a typical standing jewelry box, everything fits and is tidy in there, though I really need to shop for some new jewelry. I’m in the middle of purging it which has been sorely long over due. . and the disco era earrings prove this lol

    1. Ahhh, disco era earrings — they sound fun!u00a0 Good for you, Barb.u00a0 Purging first just makes room for beautiful new things to take their place.u00a0 Have fun replenishing!

  3. Love your blog; totally agree, if you can see it you’ll never wear it… keep it fresh, open, and at eye sight… mix it up, give some old pieces to friends and buy new ones, tribal, artisan colorful jewelry so you remain excited and constantly changing your accessories…u00a0

    1. So true!u00a0 Keep it updated and fun so you are excited about wearing them.u00a0 (And, I think you meant to say “if you can’t see it…”)u00a0 Thanks so much!u00a0 I love your enthusiasm 🙂

  4. Oh I so like the silverware tray idea! u00a0I may have to find something like that. u00a0My “jewelry” such as it is, is a mess. u00a0It’s the one thing I haven’t gone through and cleaned up because I wasn’t quite sure what to actually do with it once I did go through it. u00a0Now I shall have to finally get things cleaned up in that area. 🙂

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Ginger Burr is a fashion stylist and personal shopper serving clients worldwide from metro Boston.