Several years ago I bought the prettiest pair of shoes! Oooooh, I was smitten the second I saw them. They were floral – blues and corals and were truly delightful. I was so excited to bring them home.
But, guess what…I never wore them!
Because I never considered the most important thing when it comes to adding a pair of shoes to my wardrobe. I didn’t even check in. I was so mesmerized by the shoes that I just bought them without further consideration.
So, what is the number one thing to think about when you buy shoes?
No, it’s not comfort – we can generally assess that at the store and yes, these shoes fit beautifully.
The #1 question to consider is:
What will you wear them with?
If I had thought about that, yes, I still might have brought them home, but I would have returned them when reality set in and I realized I wouldn’t wear them with anything in my closet!
Why not? Because…
- They weren’t comfortable enough to run around a store shopping with a client.
- I don’t like a lot of fussiness in my outfits and the second I put those shoes on they felt too busy when paired with almost anything else.
If I had paid attention and followed my own teachings I would have realized that they were not the best fit for my wardrobe.
Want to know a secret? I still own them for two reasons:
- They are SO pretty and I just enjoy looking at them (and they are the only pair I own that I don’t wear).
- They are a constant reminder to me to check in with every purchase I make.
Your turn…take inventory of the shoes you have in you closet.
Can you make an outfit with each pair? If not, what do you need to know that will help you decide?