Total Image Consultants

From Chaos to Calm...and Have Fun Getting Dressed Again

Get rid of the “good enough” clothes and make room for the great.

Sign up for the VIP waitlist below.

“This class was fantastic—a very positive experience. The classes went way beyond clearing out clothing—they gave me underlying reasons “why” as well as the confidence and focus to let go of what was not working.
– Carol Takvorian

Can you relate?

  • Your closet is jammed so full that you can’t find anything
  • Clothes that used to fit don’t feel the same anymore
  • You try on several outfits but nothing seems to feel or look good
  • Some of your unworn clothes still have tags on them
  • Your body has changed, but you still want to look sharp
  • It’s easier to shut the closet door and forget about it than it is to clean it out
  • You love to shop, but you hate to purge

Imagine having a closet full of clothes where everything just works and you can find things easily!

In just 4 easy LIVE virtual sessions, you can finally release the pieces that aren’t working anymore, and make space for new ones. 

I’m personal style expert Ginger Burr and I’ve helped countless women get the closet that they can’t wait to open.

Worried that your closet is a mess? Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.

Nobody’s closet looks like they do in the magazines… especially busy women with careers and families.

I’ve seen it all! I’ve seen piles of clothes that are bigger than the actual closet. You never have to clean up or organize before our sessions – the whole point is that we do it together…virtually.

“What if I need it someday?”

This is the number one reason that we hang on to clothes that don’t serve us anymore!

I’m here to give you an honest assessment of those borderline pieces to see if they actually flatter you or are simply taking the space of something that will.


Let’s take the stress out of getting dressed!

In this 4-week session, you’ll get a closet full of joy and ease. Here’s what we’ll do together:
No more guilt over giving away or selling your clothes that no longer serve you

  • Get honest guidance and support on what should stay and what should go
  • Prioritize feeling good about your closet as part of your self-care
  • Look better NOW even if you aren’t at the weight that you wish you were
  • Have a closet where every item is flattering and you love everything in there
  • Make room so when you add new pieces they don’t get lost in a jumble of other clothes
  • Enjoy getting dressed again!

Sign up for the VIP waitlist below.

“The closet clean out was a great class! I was able to go through all of my clothes in my closet with the exception of my dog friendly clothes and my workout clothes and was really surprised (and happy) when you told me to keep those white linen pants (they are really comfortable and versatile). I love looking in my closet now! I actually have space between my hangers and the colors are great!”
– Jeannie Murphy

Here’s how the class works:

  • Four 2-hour classes – You’ll get my tips for organizing your closet – and then you’ll get time to do it…with me ready to answer your questions when you get stuck. (Be sure to set the time aside since only the first 15 minutes (where I’ll share fashion tips, organizing suggestions, etc.) of the class will be recorded. The rest of the class will NOT be recorded because the point is to be in your closet cleaning it out with my support and guidance.)
  • Get instant decisions on any item of clothing that you don’t know whether to keep or purge, right there in the session.
  • Start with a private 20-minute kickoff call so we can connect on your goals and prioritize what’s important to YOU.
  • FREE assessment questionnaire to help you clarify your goals.
  • A sacred time carved out for YOU so you can finally have fun getting dressed.
  • Get actionable wardrobe strategies and organizing tips.

Sign up for the VIP waitlist below.

“One of Ginger’s greatest attributes — among her many — is her ability
to completely remove the intimidation from a discussion of fashion and style.”
– Donna Eidson

Play Video

Watch this 2 minute video to see what Nina Manolson, Body-Peace Coach at, says about the class!

This is for you if…

  • You dream of clearing out your closet but never seem to get to it.
  • You don’t know where to start.
  • You need a friend to tell you what looks good on you.
  • It’s too overwhelming to do on your own.
  • You’re keeping certain clothes “just in case” you need them.
  • You don’t know what to keep and what to toss.
  • Your overstuffed closet makes it difficult to find the items you really want to wear.
  • You have clothes that still have tags on them.
  • You’ve wasted money on duplicate items because you can’t see what you have.
  • You feel attached to clothes that you know you should probably give away.
  • You’re ready to prioritize yourself and set time aside for this project.
  • Purging closet with support is just more fun!

Sign up for the VIP waitlist below.

“Your class and your advice has been a tremendous blessing!”
– Carol from Oklahoma

Take Your Closet from Chaos to Calm

Only the first 15-minutes of the class will be recorded where Ginger will
share fashion tips, organizing suggestions, etc. The remainder of the class will not be recorded because
the goal is for you to be in your closet during the sessions.
Zoom link will be sent to you prior to the first class.

4-Week Class

Next Class — March 2, 9, 16 and 23, 2024 — noon to 2:00 pm (eastern)
Registration Fee: $247

Limited to 9 women

Please note that there is a no refund policy.
You are responsible for the payment whether or not you participate.
Click here for the Terms of Use.

Ginger Burr

Ginger Burr believes that your image represents the best of you, not some ideal that makes designers happy. As an expert personal image consultant working with women from all walks of life, she has crafted a remarkable process of nurturing your inner beauty and discovering your personal style. Whether it’s the “dynasty” shoulder pad era, the never-ending confusion of business casual, or the low-rise pant controversy, she has helped women navigate through (and sometimes completely ignore!) the styles of the season and feel good about how they look.

Ginger is a graduate of Mount Holyoke College and is a notable speaker and leader in the field of fashion and style and her adroit understanding of beauty trends and fashion has been celebrated by Fox TV News, The Boston Globe, and In addition, Ginger the author of That’s So You! Create a Look You Love with Beauty, Style and Grace!

Ginger has distinguished herself in several untapped niches, including her image work with the transgender community and was recently recognized by VegNews Magazine as one of the “25 Most Fascinating Vegetarians” in the world for her innovative and groundbreaking work as a vegan image consultant. Her work has reached women from all walks of life who long to connect with their inner essence to create a wardrobe they love. Welcome!


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely! This class is for anyone who has too many things in her closet either because she loves her clothes but keeps putting off purging and now feels overwhelmed at the thought of it. Or, for someone who hasn’t cleaned out her closet because she doesn’t like a lot of things in there and is afraid to get rid of something because she might miss it. In each case, this class means you’ve set aside the time to purge things from your closet and it can help you streamline your wardrobe. When you have questions about a garment, I’ll be there to answer them and help you feel comfortable making a decision about whether to get rid of something, pack it away or wear it with confidence.

I would recommend that you not miss more than one class. Part of the purpose of this class is for you to set aside the time to be in your closet. And, it’s when I (Ginger) will be available and ready to answer your questions when you get stuck about whether to keep or let go of something. If it turns out you have to miss a class, don’t worry, you’ll still receive the emails and support materials and have access to any specials offered.

The first few minutes of the class will be recorded. That is when I go over the focus for the day and address any questions or share tips and techniques for calming the chaos in your closet. The full class will not be recorded because a good portion of the time is when you’ll be assessing things in your closet. I’ll be answering questions but women in the class might also be changing their clothes. So for privacy’s sake that part will not be recorded. It is also why I highly recommend you have a notebook handy to jot down any notes as we address your specific questions so you are sure to remember what we talked about.

That depends on a number of things. 1) It can depend on how many clothes you have. Some women might have 4 closets stuffed full while others might only have one closet. 2) It can also depend on how many questions you have. It is important to get your questions answered so you feel confident keeping or letting something go. If you have questions about the majority of things in your closet, it will take a bit longer to go through things and we might not be able to address everything. But, you will make progress and that is to be celebrated. And that progress can create momentum. If you finish your closet, you can move on to shoes, handbags, or dresser drawers. An additional benefit of the class is that you’ll learn as you go along so you can see patterns and understand more confidently why something does or doesn’t work.

There are no refunds. This is a small group because I want to be able to address as many of your questions as possible during the four weeks. Before you register I encourage you to be absolutely sure you have the dates/times set aside so you can attend the classes. I’ve watched the women in previous classes and if you show up, weed things out and ask questions as needed you will make progress in your closet.

For anyone in the ‘Take Your Closet from Chaos to Calm’ class, you will have the option to register for a one-on-one private session with me at a special rate in case you have more clothes and questions than we can get through together in the class. This option is good through two weeks following the last class. For some women the combination of the class to get jumpstarted followed by a one-on-one with me is the perfect solution to their wardrobe woes. I also offer a 6-week class (Create Your Personal Style in 6 Weeks) that shows you the tools for how to create a wardrobe. This can be a terrific follow-up to the Closet Chaos to Calm class because then you’ll feel more empowered buying new things you love to wear.

Absolutely! You can ask questions about anything in your closet you’d like to and I’m happy to help. You get to prioritize which questions are most important to you so we address those first. During the classes, as questions come up, you add your name in the chat and I call on each person in order. You can ask up to two questions during each time and then put your name back in the chat to ask more. It works out very nicely and it’s also why it’s important to prioritize your questions so you can make the most progress during each class.

The purpose of the program is, by answering your specific questions, to give you guidance and tools to apply to other items in your wardrobe. For example, if you show me something that is olive green and we determine that olive green is not a great color for you, then you can easily assess every other olive green item in your closet. Or, if a top is too short to balance your body, you’ll know that other short tops won’t work either. Because there are up to 12 women in the class, there will not be time to answer a question about every item in each person’s closet. But, don’t despair. And if you have more questions than we have time to answer in the 4 classes, as a member of this program you will have the option to book a one-on-one session with me at a very special price so you can get the rest of your questions answered. Here’s what Paula T. said about her experience, With your insights and positive energy, I feel empowered to make decisions about my closet –you help me a lot when I am on the fence.”