Total Image Consultants

The Art of Dressing Your Body Over 40:

Learn the Dress to Impress Strategy to:
Minimize Your Tummy so You Feel Comfortable, Confident & Pulled-Together Every Time You Get Dressed

Without a doubt, the #1 body image complaint I hear from women over 40 is that they no longer have a defined waist and instead have a tummy.

Their usual response to that is a big, giant Ugh!

Have you experienced this?
  • You’ve gained weight or your body has shifted and now none of the clothes you used to wear look good anymore.
  • You feel frumpy.
  • You settle for feeling comfortable because you can’t figure out how to look pulled-together AND comfortable.
  • You look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself and all you see is your tummy.
Developing a tummy is rarely a welcome bodily change and often brings with it a sense of unfamiliarity, discouragement and overwhelm. You feel a deep longing to like what you see when you look in the mirror, but…
  • You feel overwhelmed every time you get dressed or go shopping because nothing seems to work.
  • You are sick and tired of putting something on and feeling boring or drab.
  • You are struggling to figure out what looks good.

You find yourself thinking…

“I’m worried I’m doomed to look frumpy for the rest of my life!”
“Getting dressed is the most stressful part of my day!”
“Why does it feel so hard for me when I see other women looking good?”

How would it change your life to look in the mirror and love what you see (and not have your eyes go directly to your tummy!)?

  • The good news is that you CAN look good like the other women you see…you absolutely CAN still have a personal style you love and feel great in your clothes even if you have a tummy.
  • It’s a matter of learning a different approach to dressing and a new way to honor the changes in your body.

I have helped many women with this dressing frustration and now it’s your turn!

Get ready to change your approach to dressing your body and learn “The Art of Dressing Your Body Over 40 When You Have a Tummy.”

The information you will learn here will serve you for years to come and will help you feel more confident and empowered as you get dressed especially if you now have a tummy where you used to have a defined waist. (And I’ve included a very special COUPON CODE below so you’ll receive 35% off the course!)

What will you learn?

  • Why a common ‘slimming’ technique is not always your best choice (and what to do instead).
  • One step you can do in seconds to create immediate results.
  • A popular style that adds the illusion of pounds and how to avoid it!
  • Unexpected strategies to help you dress to look (and feel) slimmer.
  • How choosing the right solids and prints can change the way you feel in your clothes forever.
  • Access to specially curated photo catalogues with in-depth explanations of why the styles do (or don’t!) work.
  • These techniques will help you shop with confidence.
  • Look taller and slimmer without wearing heels.
  • Learn to create optical illusions that make your tummy all but disappear.

When you use these techniques to review the clothes already in your closet and to make new choices the next time you go shopping, you will feel a renewed sense of pleasure in getting dressed and joy in how you look. Just like Donna Coe who shares…

“I feel utterly fantastic. I did a mini fashion show for my son when I got home. His words ‘Mom, I don’t want you to be mad, but you look like you lost at least 20 pounds!’ BUT, the biggest difference is in the way I feel. I appreciate all of your guidance!”

This course is a tonic for your tummy!

In addition to all the topics above, I will share over 100 photos with very specific do’s and don’ts to guide you in making choices you love and answer questions you’ve been wondering about for a long time.

You’ll discover so many ways to address your new body, your new style and love how you look again.

“I can still feel the amazement and glow after putting on that dress and looking in the mirror and realizing that it was me looking back!” – Diane Scribner

If your waist has become a tummy and you don’t know how to dress anymore, this is your chance to get some answers and finally feel great in your clothes again. Here’s what Edith Meserve has to say about the course:

“I took your course – it was great! I knew several of the concepts, but you have a way of pulling it all together that is really helpful. And I love the photo examples that demonstrate your points. I’ll be keeping all of these concepts in mind as I shop, and as I put together outfits with what I have.”

Get Your Tummy Taming Tips Now for Only $97*

(*Be sure to use coupon code ’35off’ to receive a 35% DISCOUNT on the class.) 

These tips will make getting dressed easier.
Practice these steps over and over and get ready for a transformation you’ll enjoy!

No refunds

Ginger Burr

I’m Ginger Burr, the creator of ‘Dress to Impress—Yourself!’ and I’ve been helping women for over 30 years to feel confident when they get dressed or go shopping so they can put together a wardrobe they love. There’s a strategy to it. As you’ve probably found out, trying to do it in a piecemeal way only gets you more discouraged. I certainly discovered that personally when I was struggling with my wardrobe. But then, I learned what I’m teaching you.

But there’s good news. You absolutely CAN still have a personal style you love and feel great in your clothes—tummy or no tummy. It’s simply a matter of learning a different approach to dressing and a new way to honor the changes in your body. And that’s what you’re going to learn here.

You’ll see that this course is a tonic for your tummy!

I encourage you to practice these steps over and over and be sure to study the catalogues I’ve made because there are invaluable insights there as well. This program is chock full of information you can use to camouflage your tummy and feel great in what you wear.

And now…get ready for a transformation you’ll enjoy!

(Do you have a friend who you think would love this class (or any of the others)? Why not give her a gift certificate (in whatever amount you want) and let her choose her favorite. Go here to learn more about giving a gift certificate: