Total Image Consultants

Nurturing Beauty Style Secrets Blog

Fashion Fairy Godmother Program Demystified!

Do You Want a Fashion Fairy Godmother BUT You’re Confused?

Okay, I’ve been hearing that some of you are confused about the Fashion Fairy Godmother program and how it works. You think you might be interested but you’re not sure because you don’t understand it. I’ve heard:

1. I think it’s too time consuming.
2. I need you to SEE outfits that are frustrating me – how can we do that virtually?
3. Will I learn everything I need to know to do everything on my own to create a great wardrobe by the end?
4. Is this the best way for me to spend the money to get the results I want?*

So, if the Fashion Fairy Godmother program intrigues you at all but you’re not sure if it’s right for you, keep reading. I’ll address all of these questions so you’ll know whether to skip it or realize it’s perfect for what you are looking for.1. I think it’s too time consuming.

At first glance it looks like there’s too much to do, right? That’s because we are covering lots of information and guiding you to do things differently to get different results than you’ve been getting. And, it is also the reason I created a 7-month program instead of a 7-week program! Most women in the group have been frustrated for years so, despite what television makeover shows tell you, it does take more than a week (or even two or three!) to replace old habits or learn (or relearn) new personal style tips. (Think long term healthy eating vs. fad diet!)

(*If you are excited about it but need to spread out the payments to more than three, just let me know! We can do that on an individual basis.)

If you already know you’d rather do something else: a one-on-one consultation, the home study program, or a workshop here or there then there’s no need to keep reading. I’ll look forward to seeing you at an upcoming workshop, teleclass or a private one-on-one consultation. In the meantime, have a very happy new year!

For everyone else, here’s the information you’ve been looking for (and if there’s a concern I do not address here, please let me know). I want you to make an informed decision (whether it’s yes or no) not just say no because you’re confused.

Fashion Fairy Godmother Program Demystified!

I know that the Fashion Fairy Godmother program is a totally new concept when it comes to traditional image consulting, so it’s not surprising that there’s a little confusion or overwhelm. Let me see if I can clarify some of that for you.

It takes time to digest the information and live with it a bit as you go along. Trying to smoosh all that into a short amount of time…now, that would be overwhelming, time consuming and probably an exercise in frustration. This way, you have complete control over how much time you put into it and when. The goal is to make this journey exciting and fun and not feel like it’s pressure and drudgery. I’ll help you take one baby step at a time in a way that clarifies and reinforces a new direction and new habits so you feel ready to graduate on your own at the end.

2. I need you to SEE outfits that are frustrating me – how can we do that virtually?

Thanks to modern technology we can do so much more “virtually” than ever before. As we go along, you’ll have ‘homework’ and new ideas to play with. I’ve also set up a private Facebook group so only those of us in this group will have access to the information and be able to share thoughts and, yes, pictures! (Having a digital camera or camera phone and being familiar with downloading pictures to your computer will be helpful.) For instance, if you have an outfit you’ve put together and you’re wondering if it works or how to change it, just post a photo and ask me. If you are experimenting with a new color and can’t decide if it’s flattering or too much, post a picture and I can tell you. It’s image consulting at your fingertips!

Plus, all the topics we cover and information I present will be leading up to our 2-days at the Hawthorne Hotel in May. Fashion Fairy Godmother participants are the first EVER to spend 2 full days with me. And then, the good news is that after the retreat we have 3 months together to solidify all you’ve learned. You aren’t just sent away to practice on your own – you’ll have me there to guide you.

3. Will I learn everything I need to know to do everything on my own to create a great wardrobe by the end?

The short answer is yes. If you follow all the exercises and do the homework you will learn more about yourself in these 7 months than you can even imagine right now. You will have greater insight into who you are dressing and specifics on how to do that. Yes, fashion is not an exact science (which is a big part of the reason so many people have trouble with it), and it is ever changing. So, by going through this program you will be more prepared than ever to adapt to changing styles and know how to find styles and clothing that work for you.

Guess what! If you have always hated to shop you might even find that you hated it because you didn’t know how to find the things that work for you. Once you learn some tips and tricks, you could be surprised at how much you enjoy it. (And, if not, at least you’ll understand how to do it more efficiently and be done with it!) (Check out the agenda below so you can see all that we will cover in this program.)

4. Is this the best way for me to spend the money to get the results I want?

That depends. Do you want to learn how to do it yourself so you are as self-sufficient as possible? Then, yes, absolutely, you get the most for your money with this program.

Think about it. The average wardrobe and shopping consultations with me are 2-3 hours long each. So, for less than the cost of one wardrobe and shopping consultation you get me for 7 months and two full days in person. And, that doesn’t even take into account the money you will save by not buying those “mistakes” you would have bought before you learned not to!

Is the Fashion Fairy Godmother Program For You?

I know that for some people, one on one is the only way to go and if that’s your preferred way of learning then the Fashion Fairy Godmother program is not for you, and that’s fine. But, if you’ve been longing for relief from your closet and wardrobe woes and want to understand how to change all that so you can be as self-sufficient as possible, then this is for you.

I have provided a copy of the agenda at the below url, so you can see how it is all laid out. And, each group is different so if we need to tweak things or adjust the timing to suit the group, I’ll do that, too. The agenda will give you an idea of what we’ll cover and what you’ll learn to help you create a wardrobe and personal style you LOVE!

View FFG Agenda Here:

I hope this answers some of your questions and demystifies the program. Our first Fashion Fairy Godmother teleclass is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 5:00 pm (eastern)(and all teleclasses will be recorded so you can listen to them afterwards if you cannot make them live or if you want to go over the material more than once). So, there is still plenty of time to sign up.

If you are looking for a great new year’s resolution, this could be it! And, if you still have questions, please let me know – in fact I am offering a free 1-1 20 minute consult with me for a limited time only!  In this call we will get really clear about what you need to take the next steps towards discovering your ultimate personal style – contact me today here and we will find a time that works for both of us!

There is never any pressure to do something that isn’t right for you. I just wouldn’t want you to miss out on an opportunity that you’d love and benefit from because you don’t have all the information you need to make a clear decision. I hope this helps and if not, please let me know other questions you have. For more information and to register go to 

In the meantime, here’s to a happy, healthy and beautiful New Year filled with a wardrobe you love and personal style you delight in.

With beauty, style & grace,


*aka: Fashion Fairy Godmother*


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Ginger Burr is a fashion stylist and personal shopper serving clients worldwide from metro Boston.